
A Powerful Self-Love Technique

Peace & Blessings!

I have always understood of how important it is to love oneself unconditionally. By loving & nurturing ourselves first, we satisfy the 'void' that we generally look to others to fill, whether it be a romantic partnership or friend relationship. The old standard may start off wonderful, but then a person begins to create distorted expectations of 'how' their partner 'should' be & 'why' they are 'not' being that specific way for them . Well, the reason this happens for the most part is, because most people keep looking outside themselves to fill a void that for a short time might be filled, but always comes back again until some form of awakening occurs to the idea that the only person who can fill this void is the person herself/himself. Once they operate from a space of complete love & acceptance of self, then they attract the highest & best people into their lives that are also operating from this space, and miracles abound! Think of how blissful it would be for two people to enter a relationship from a space of already being completely satisfied & fullfilled! No one would 'need' the other to feel complete, which is actually what starts to cause the rifts in a relationship anyway. Imagine how amazing the love, joy, harmony, & understanding shared between the two on levels like never before would be, because each person already feels whole & complete from within! Many people understand this concept, but always ask me 'how' do we put this in practice.

Here is an extremely powerful technique I have developed, that is one way to transform your relationship with yourself & help you begin to operate from a much higher vibration of self-love & acceptance.

Take 3 deep breaths

Close your eyes, uncross the arms & legs so that you are open & receptive to transformation.

In your minds eye, remember the beginning stages of a time when you where falling in love with your first or greatest love. Seeing them is not important, it's the feelings we want to generate before the relationship occured.Do you remember how excited you were to see them, how you would count the seconds, how you always thought about them every waking moment, how you wanted to shout 'I LOVE YOU' on every roof top you could, because you just could not hold it in any longer? Good, now feel into those feelings for about 1 minute.

Visualize those feelings as a beautiful sparkly emerald green light that begins to generate within you. The more you feel into these feelings, the larger this green light becomes.Now, direct all the vibration of those feelings & the emerald green light towards YOURSELF!

Start feeling those feelings of 'I LOVE YOU' & excitement towards yourself the exact same way you would have done towards your 1st/greatest love. Feel into that for 2 minutes.


State the following affirmation for at least 1 minute:I fully love every cell of my being unconditionally!

Visualize the emerald light saturate every part of your body, mind, emotions, & spirit while you repeat this phrase!

Take 3 deep breaths again, and breath in this moment of bliss. Allow the hairs on your body to stand & the chills to take over you! If you don't experience them, that's ok. It's time to love ourselves. This is the new paradigm. In loving ourselves first, we are able to be so much more for the world.
And so it is.




dave n theresa said...

Awesome! I got the tingles! :) Knowing you and learning your techniques has created an overflowing feeling of gratitude within me...Blessings & thanks to you!

Unknown said...

I just tried it out bringing me an instant state of silent ease and peace and expanded sense of soft tender sweet loving feelings vitalizing every being-cell... thank you for this blissful moment! Elfi